With new amazing lead times & best sellers (Road Cones and Traffic Barriers) all in stock, it looks like we are steps ahead of the competition. But as we at Melba Swintex look forward to our best ever year, first lets have a recap of 2015: | |
JANUARYJanuary was the month we launched the Tuff Trench and it has really taken off, both here in the UK and overseas. |
FEBRUARYIt’s taken a while but after the success of our Blow Moulded Traffic Barriers, it made sense to delve into the Crowd Control market. Thus the launch of the Boss Barrier. Although slow to start, it is now taking us into markets we have never been in before. |
MARCHWe introduced a new price list which saw a removal of screen charges on signs. |
APRILMelba Swintex exhibited at Traffex and gained huge interest in our new range of products |
MAYYet another new product: this time we launched the Kerb Buddy, our new Blow Moulded Wheelchair Ramp. |
JUNEThis time it’s the Flexi 500 Cone, the MPL 50 but in super flexible material. Squash it, squeeze it, squish it, it still pops back into its original shape. |
JULYIn July we launched the Tuff Barrier – a new type of traffic barrier. Incorporating the Q-Clip, the barriers connect together in a linear row, When combined with the Cross-Trench support, the barriers become highly wind resistant. Compatible with the Master Barrier. |
AUGUSTIn August we introduced our All Yellow Ramp. The original 5cm Melba Ramp, but with the same super flexible material used for the Flexi 500. It’s yellow all the way through. |
SEPTEMBERAs the leaves started turning brown we introduced the Flexi Cylinder. Available in 460, 750 and 1000mm, a one piece Cylinder capable of returning upright after impact. Knock it, kneecap it, knobble it, it bounces back upright. |
OCTOBERThe Road Rock! One of the most versatile products we have ever launched. Weigh down your barriers, put cylinders in them, make a wall out of them, the Swiss Army Knife of Traffic Management. |
NOVEMBERThe final product launch of the year was the Ariane Twist-lock. Bigger than our standard Cylinder, it twists into our standard Cats-Eye base. |
Thanks to all our customers for making December the busiest one we have ever had. |