The Thor & Hammer Barricades have been seeing critical acclaim after starring in the action-packed Spider-Man: Far From Home, and now they are continuing their quest together with the help from a wide selection of heavy-duty Bases.
A Barricade that provides tremendous strength and restraint ensuring safety on site. An evenly distributed number of holders provide various arrangements for your road lamps.
The smoother of the two, the Hammer has a clean top-rail providing an alternative method to attaching the required road lamp, yet still supplying the great strength that is required.
A Base capable of taking over 8 different styles of product by implementing various hole sizes. With a 225 x 25mm slot to take Beacon markers which is a key facility to the Footplate range, with a locking latch to ensure the Base meets all required legislation.
Supplying a substantial ballast to various traffic marking products. 5 separate hole locations provide multifunctional use, as well as 2 areas for personalised company identification. 4 easy-carry handles allow a smooth transition from the work vehicle to the installation site.
The big brother of the Base family providing that little bit of extra weight for peace of mind. As well as incorporating features to secure standard beacon sizes seen throughout Europe, the Footplate features additional hole sizes for a further range of applications.
Melba Swintex supply a vast variety of heavy-duty Bases with which we would not want to fill up your Inbox with listing each and every one, therefore all of our Bases can be found online via our website. Keep your eye out in the coming weeks for a new addition to the family. www.mebaswintex.com
Have a different Base requirement that we have somehow missed? Get in touch and we will look towards a solution together: sales@melbaswintex.com